Natures Revelations by: Dennis O'Hara
Northern Images Website – I started the Northern Images website in 1992 for the pure enjoyment of sharing the beauty of Duluth and the Lake Superior Region with people like yourself. After more than 30 years, the joy of photography still motivates me to step outside for another look. I hope you enjoy the scenery as much as I did when I was actually taking the pictures.
Creation – This site, Natures Revelations is a selection of images taken on the same say of the year over the past 25 years. Throughout the years, I have come to realize that God made nature to reveal himself to us. Whether you are enjoying a summer sunset, focusing on a lovely wildflower, or hiking through a forest dressed in autumn colors, you cannot help but be awed by God’s creation.
O LORD, our Lord, Your majestic name fills the earth! Your glory is higher than the heavens… “When I look at the night sky and see the work of Your fingers the moon and the stars You set in place what are mere mortals that You should think about them, human beings that You should care for them? ” Psalm 8